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Platos en Demaio Pizza Gourmet

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated highly by visitors.
  • La Porcheta Pizza

    - reviewers rave about this pizza, describing it as 'brutal' and a must-try.
  • Mediterranea Pizza

    - another highly recommended pizza, mentioned as a must-have.
  • Bologna Pizza

    - this pizza also comes highly recommended by the customers.
  • Cheese Poetry Pizza

    - described as exquisite, it's a favorite among cheese lovers.
  • The Magnificent Pizza

    - complimented for its exquisite taste, it's one of the best pizzas in Bilbao.
  • La Speciale Pizza

    - a Neapolitan pizza with several cold ingredients, it's a great choice for those who like to share.
  • Trentina Pizza

    - a Roman pizza with a tomato base, Gorgonzola, Mozzarella, boletus, and Speck. Highly praised for its unique combination of flavors.
  • - perfect for cheese lovers, reviewers found it delicious.
  • Roman Pizza

    - crunchy with a spongy dough, it's a favorite among those who prefer a thin crust.
  • Napoletana Pizza

    - soft, with a very thin dough in the middle and swollen edges. It's highly recommended, although some reviewers found it too thick and not crunchy enough.
  • - described as spectacular, it's a must-try dessert at the restaurant.
  • Italian Wine

    - worth trying according to the reviews.
  • Limonchello

    - recommended by customers for a complete Italian dining experience.

Platos y bebidas de Demaio Pizza Gourmet


tiramisú che tartas pastel de frutas tarta de chocolate mermelada


pizza italian pizza queso rape laing dukkah pizza napolitana pescado hornado steak tartar carne rollos kachamak gorgonzola venado la salsa empanadas jamón jamón cerdo speck beicon filete parmo mozzarella sopa pintxos salami 'nduja calabacines pasta jamón italiano entrantes jamón de parma completo