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Platos en La Petite Colombe

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, the price/quality ratio for this restaurant is considered very worthwhile, with many visitors comparing it to a Michelin star restaurant. However, one user found the quality of the food average and felt that the focus on showmanship detracted from the flavor.
  • Full Pescatarian Menu

    - the menu is highly praised for its excellent presentation and taste. It offers an explosion of different textures and flavors.
  • Vegetarian/Vegan Courses

    - these dishes are well catered for and offer a unique dining experience.
  • Viskop Dish

    - this dish is particularly highlighted by one visitor as the best food they ever had.
  • Guave Dessert

    - another dish that was singled out for its exceptional taste.
  • Winter Special Tasting Menu

    - each course is presented in a mesmerizing way and tastes unique, fresh, and memorable.
  • Dinner Tasting Menu with Paired Wines

    - strikes the right balance of dishes being tasty and surprising.

Platos y bebidas de La Petite Colombe


espuma sorbete tartas crema de chocolate tarta de queso pastelitos sorbete de naranja espuma de chocolate


vino chocolate café sauvignon blanco cerveza chardonnay michelada champán frapés frappé de chocolate vino semillón


dukkah pescado completo carne atún steak tartar marisco aves de corral kachamak salmón carne de vaca cordero sopa op la atún de aleta amarilla costillas cerdo vieiras puto codorniz maíz carpacho pasta ostras escalfadas costillas de cordero pollo caldo lubina mejillones tostada ostras panceta popara tataki de ternera cordero con costra aperitivos filete de ternera raviolis setas carpacho de atún foie gras queso tartar cerdo glaseado gambas calamares