Strand 21 Carta

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Platos en Strand 21

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, the price/quality ratio of this restaurant was rated as okay. Some customers felt that the food was overpriced, while others thought it was worth it for the quality.
  • - a bit spicy, but overall a well-received dish. The chicken is served with thick fries, which are also delicious.
  • - this dish was highly praised by customers. It's served with tasty thick fries.
  • - according to one review, the hamburger is very tasty.
  • Snacks

    - perfect for a small bite in between meals, according to one customer.
  • - the restaurant serves breakfast which was described as delicious and nicely presented.
  • Mojito

    - one reviewer mentioned that the mojito was not good.