Title: A hidden gem for seafood lovers – Lovevio’s Crab Curry I recently came across Lovevio's Crêpes Curry, a wonderful seafood restaurant that exceeded my expectations in terms of quality, affordability and ambience. Although the menu is predominantly in Thai, the user-friendly technology made it easier for me to navigate and enjoy what was on offer. Lovevio's Crabs Curry offers a wide variety of seafood that is both delicious and affordable. From succulent shrimp to tender fish fillets, each dish was prepared with the utmost care and attention to detail. The standout for me was their signature crepe curry, a unique blend of Thai flavors and French crepes that resulted in a delicious combination that left me wanting more. Not only is the food at Lovevio's Crêpes Curry impressive, the service is also first class. The staff were friendly, attentive and always helpful, ensuring a pleasant dining experience. Additionally, the restaurant offers a comfortable seating arrangement so guests can relax and enjoy their meals at their own pace. To complement the delicious seafood dishes, Lovevio's Crêpes Curry offers a selection of refreshing drinks, including perfectly chilled beers. The combination of great food and cold drinks enhanced my dining experience and made it an ideal place for seafood enthusiasts like me. While language barriers can be challenging, Lovevio's Crêpes Curry has done an excellent job of making their restaurant accessible to international visitors. The technologically advanced systems allow non-Thai speakers to easily navigate the menu and enjoy their meals. In conclusion, I would highly recommend Lovevio's Crêpes Curry if you are stranded in this area and are craving for an exceptional seafood dining experience. With its delicious dishes, friendly service and affordable prices, it is a hidden gem not to be missed. Sit back, enjoy the tasty seafood and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere – what more could you want? Please note: The review is based on my personal experience and may not reflect everyone's opinion. Atmosphere: 5