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Platos en Auberge du Roy d'Aval

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant has mixed reviews. Some visitors find the prices reasonable and good value for money, especially for lunch. Others, however, feel that the quantities are lacking for the price, particularly for salads, and that the wine prices are exorbitant. Overall, it seems that the quality of the food is generally appreciated, but some guests feel that the pricing could be more balanced.
  • Traditional Local Specialties

    - the restaurant is known for its traditional, home-cooked meals. Based on the reviews, these dishes are well-received and worth trying.
  • - the salads were mentioned as excellent choices, particularly the "very original" salad with a fried egg and the "colorful peasant salad." Both were praised for their freshness and flavor.
  • Butcher's Piece (Hampe)

    - this dish was highlighted for its excellence. It seems to be a standout among the meat options.
  • Hearty Desserts

    - while some reviewers wanted more sophistication in the dessert offerings, others found them to be excellent and satisfying. The homemade desserts were deemed correct.
  • - while some reviewers found the wine prices high, others did not mention this issue. It seems that the wine selection is worth exploring, but be sure to ask for the price before ordering.

Platos y bebidas de Auberge du Roy d'Aval