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Platos en Braceria Elvetica

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally seen as very good, with many reviewers noting the high quality of the meat and the fair prices. However, some reviewers found the prices to be too high, especially for certain dishes like the burgers and the tasting menu.
  • - exceptionally high-quality meat, well-cooked and abundant. Highly recommended by multiple reviewers.
  • - the restaurant is praised as an excellent steak house with delicious food. Particularly recommended for beef lovers.
  • - mixed reviews. Some found the burgers cold and lacking in sauces, while others praised the quality of the meat used in the burgers.
  • Fiorentina

    - one reviewer mentioned this dish as being particularly good.
  • - received average reviews from one user.
  • Desserts

    - received mixed reviews. Some found them to be excellent, while others thought they were not up to par with the quality of the meat dishes.
  • Wine Selection

    - highly praised by several reviewers. The restaurant offers a selected wine from their excellent selection.
  • Local Beer

    - noted by one reviewer, could be worth trying.
  • Truffle Potatoes

    - praised as excellent by one reviewer.