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Platos en Camada Barcelos

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is viewed differently by various visitors. Some find it very good and recommend the place, while others feel that the prices for side dishes are high and the quality does not match the price.
  • - this dish is highly recommended by most of the visitors. They describe it as the best in the country with a unique steak and sauce. Some even call it the best in Barcelos. However, some users found the sauce to be cold and the serving size of the sauce to be less.
  • - the steak is considered the best among all the famous francesinha restaurants in the north.
  • Homemade Potatoes

    - these are served with the francesinha. One user described them as excellent but another found them to be soaked in oil and impossible to eat.
  • Sangria de Frutos Vermelhos

    - this drink was enjoyed by a visitor who also liked the francesinha and the overall atmosphere of the restaurant.
  • Cachorro

    - another dish that was recommended along with the francesinha for takeaway.