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Platos en Restaurante Casa Ojeda

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered appropriate for the quality, although some users found the portions to be small and the prices high. Some users also pointed out that the meat dishes were somewhat scarce. Despite this, the majority of users agreed that the quality of the food was exceptional.
  • Boletus

    - spectacular according to one of the users.
  • Burgos Blood Sausage

    - frequently mentioned and praised in reviews.
  • Pickled Quail Salad

    - interesting starter option.
  • Deer with Apples from Caderechas

    - unique dish that's worth trying.
  • Roast Lamb with Baked Potatoes

    - highly recommended by many reviewers.
  • Puff Pastry Cake

    - described as amazing and a must-try dessert.
  • - another dessert option that was enjoyed by diners.
  • Tiles with Coffee

    - complimentary with coffee.
  • - brutally good, as per one reviewer.
  • Pineapple Mousse

    - mentioned as delicious.
  • Red Bean Dish with Morcilla and Sausage

    - well done according to a user.
  • Foie

    - very rich according to one user.