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Platos en Casa Portuguesa do Pastel de Bacalhau - Gaia

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The restaurant is considered pricey by some visitors, with a cod croquette and a glass of wine costing €15. However, many reviewers agree that the unique experience, including live music and a beautiful interior, makes it worth the cost.
  • Pastel de Bacalhau

    - this Portuguese codfish cake is the star of the show at this restaurant, with many reviewers praising its unique and delicious taste. It's freshly made and can be served with or without cheese.
  • - the restaurant offers a selection of local and regional port wines which are highly recommended by visitors. The wine is often included in a package with the pastel de bacalhau.
  • Cod Bun

    - another variation of the codfish cake, this dish was also mentioned positively by a reviewer.
  • Cheese Croquettes

    - these are another tasty option to try, especially when paired with the Port wine.