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Platos en Celebrity Etiler

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered high but worth it due to the quality of the food and service. However, some visitors feel that certain items might be overpriced.
  • Well-done Meat

    - the meat dishes are cooked to perfection according to customer preferences.
  • - this Italian dessert comes highly recommended for its great taste.
  • Shrimp

    - seafood lovers should definitely try the shrimp dish.
  • Meat Tartare

    - paired with wine, this dish is a must-try for meat lovers.
  • - apart from food, the restaurant also offers excellent hookah service.
  • Seafood and Fruits

    - fresh and delicious, these offerings add variety to the menu.
  • - a tasty option for health-conscious visitors, it's large enough to serve two.
  • Cocktails

    - the balanced and tasty drinks complement the food well.

Platos y bebidas de Celebrity Etiler

Características de los restaurantes

gran servicio cenas

