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La cocina fusión es excelente en este bar. Puedes compartir unas sabrosas ensaladas con tus amistades y pasar un rato agradable aquí. Hyde Social te ofrece unos precios razonables por unas comidas estupendas. Pero los clientes valoran este lugar por debajo de la media en Google.

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Valoraciones de Hyde Social

Opiniones de los clientes de Hyde Social

/ 65
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One of the best upcoming Toronto clubs. Small but always quick access, no long lines, friendly security and staff. The venue is safe and unproblematic. The music is by far top tier with mixes of rap, hip and r&b and more. Saturday nights are the nights to be there so book the VIP room for the best time.
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This place hits all of the vibes - drinks, entertainment, music is worth the price. I will definitely come back again!
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2 of the 5 "stellar" reviews for this place were before it opened…so figured we’d check it out for ourselves. This'll be fun.We're outside and they appear to have brought in some expensive cars to park in front of the restaurant for grand opening. Ok, what? If paying to have a couple of Lamborghinis illegally park out front is cool, then this group of geniuses is ice cold.Ok, why not, we’ll go in. Deep breath...Immediately wish it was deeper. This place smells weird... Bad. My best guess is water damage. My worst guess... an unfortunate mixture of cheap colognes. Smells aside, this place is more phony inside than it is out. If you’re in the market for some fake Balenciaga… try their lost & found.We'll sit outside. Out here there are no bad smells but there is A LOT OF WIND. Feels sort of like we're having drinks on the set of The Titanic. The drinks were good. Expensive. But probably on par with the rest of King St. Glassware could be better.We didn't get food but did notice that there doesn't appear to be an indoor kitchen. Instead, they're putting together what looks to be an overpriced and under-portioned watermelon salad on the side of the road. Surely that's sanitary.Seems like a low point to end on. Maybe we're pessimistic, but likely we're just right. If you can see past some tacky clothes and a lot of Instagram flashes, you'll actually find that the diamond in the rough of this place is the wait staff, who were all very nice.Overall, we give Hyde Social one pair of no-show socks out of five. Bit of a dud. We give it two months... Hold your breath, folks.
$$$$ Rango de precios por persona CAD 31 - CAD 50
803 King St W
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
803 King St W, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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