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Platos en Restaurante El Botijo

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, the price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally seen as reasonable, but some customers have found it to be slightly high. Some customers were also disappointed by additional charges and would prefer that all costs be included in the menu prices.
  • - the entrecôte is very tender and juicy, making it a must-try for meat lovers.
  • Millefeuille

    - the millefeuille dessert has been described as spectacular and is a highlight of the menu.
  • - this is considered one of the best cheesecakes, known for its creaminess.
  • Beef and Pork Skewers

    - these skewers are well-prepared and tasty, though some customers have noted the portion size could be larger.
  • - the steak is delicious and makes for a satisfying lunch.
  • Iberian Ham and Cheese Plate

    - this dish is also worth trying for its quality and taste.
  • Leg of Lamb

    - despite mixed reviews, the leg of lamb is a dish that some customers loved.
  • - these mushrooms are filled with béchamel sauce and are highly recommended, although they may not be suitable for those with lactose intolerance.
  • Croquetas de Puchero

    - these croquettes are delicious and of high quality.