
Fanat Carta

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Platos en Fanat

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is viewed as average to high by most visitors. Some visitors found the prices a bit high, but many others felt that the quality of the food justified the cost.
  • Authentic German Shank

    - a rare delicacy that you might need to pre-order a month in advance. It comes with a variety of garnishes including potato wedges and pickled cucumbers.
  • Ribs with Cabbage

    - the ribs are extremely tender and are a must-try item on the menu.
  • Potato Fries with Bacon

    - these are not your average frozen fries, they are freshly cut and fried just for you.
  • - highly recommended by past visitors for its delicious taste.
  • - described as magical by one reviewer, this dish is definitely worth trying.
  • - these have been praised for their excellent taste.
  • Shepherd's Pie

    - this dish has received positive reviews for its quality.
  • Borscht

    - this soup of the day was described as very tasty.
  • Mushroom Soup and Pea Soup

    - another soup of the day option that has been highly recommended.
  • Croutons

    - these have been praised as a great beer snack.
  • - a delicious dessert option that has been recommended by past visitors.
  • - available in both dark and light options, the beer here is highly acclaimed.
  • German Draft Beer

    - this has been described as the tastiest German draft beer.
  • - the cider here has been described as very good.
  • Teas with Ginger and Lemon

    - these are a part of the restaurant's signature drinks.