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The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered average by visitors.
  • Giro Pizza

    - this pizza is highly recommended by multiple reviewers for its excellent taste.
  • Pistachio Pizza

    - another pizza variant that comes with a strong recommendation for its unique flavor.
  • Bruschette Miste (Mixed Bruschetta)

    - this appetizer receives positive reviews, although some mention the bread being a bit soft.
  • Tagliatella Nera and Tagliatella Funghi Salsiccia e Panna

    - these pasta dishes are praised for their creamy and flavorful taste.
  • - this dessert is said to be delicious and homemade.
  • Hot Appetizers

    - these are mentioned as being excellent, although specific dishes are not named.
  • - this dish received mixed reviews due to late delivery and quality of the porchetta.