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Platos en Restaurant und Hotel Nordpol

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally considered good. Some reviewers found the food to be overpriced and not as good, but most found the prices reasonable for the quality and portion sizes of the dishes.
  • Finkenwerder-style Plaice

    - a popular choice among visitors for its delicious taste.
  • Fish Knuckle

    - highly recommended by many customers, it's a must-try for fish lovers.
  • Stream Fish

    - another seafood delicacy that is praised for its flavor.
  • - a non-seafood option that is equally appreciated and recommended.
  • Salad with Three Types of Fish

    - a great option for those who enjoy variety in their meal.
  • Weekly Thursday Buffet

    - includes soup, cold starters, steamed fish in various variations, roast pork, and dessert pudding. It's a good opportunity to try different dishes.
  • Fish Dishes

    - the restaurant is known as the best fish restaurant in Heiligenhafen, so any fish dish is worth trying.