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Platos en Great Northern Cafe

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as great. The servings are large, the prices are reasonable, and the food is delicious.
  • - highly recommended by many customers. Made with French bread, it's very filling and tasty. It is considered the best dish in the restaurant.
  • Northern Burger and Fries

    - fast service, good food, and a generous portion of crinkle fries.
  • - described as the best around.
  • German Omelet with Blueberry Pancake

    - a popular choice among customers. The blueberry pancake was a hit with everyone.
  • American Omelet

    - another popular breakfast choice.
  • Country Omelette & Empire Builder

    - a lot of food for $25, great value for money.
  • Daily Special

    - customers received more than they expected and found it delicious.
  • - liked by customers for its taste and quality.
  • Cheeseburger and Dinner Salad

    - very good food and service.