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Platos en Ichi go Ichi e

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated high (5/5), although some customers found the main courses to be overpriced. Despite this, the overall consensus is that the restaurant serves tasty food, particularly their ramen dishes.
  • Yuzu Ramen

    - highly recommended by several users for its excellent taste. However, it may be seasonal and not always available.
  • Black Garlic Ramen

    - loved by customers for its unique flavor. Definitely a must-try for ramen lovers.
  • Karaage

    - a popular takeout option. No specific comments on the taste but it's mentioned frequently.
  • - another favorite takeout dish among customers. Again, no specific comments about the taste.
  • Hokkaido Ramen with Tofu

    - mixed reviews. Some found it sweet and tasteless, requiring additional soy sauce. The tofu was also described as a "fried block of rubber".
  • - served as a side dish. No specific comments about the taste.
  • Sake Don

    - mentioned once for being plentiful and fresh.