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Platos en Restaurante Hotel Los Frutales

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The reviews indicate that while the food is generally of high quality, the prices are somewhat high, and some customers felt that the service did not justify the cost. Overall, the price/quality ratio seems to be a point of contention among visitors.
  • Cabrito de la Sierra

    - a highly recommended dish, perfect for after a day of exploring.
  • - these are mentioned in many reviews as being delicious and top quality. The Iberian ham croquettes in particular are described as spectacular.
  • - this traditional Catalan dish was rated 10/10 by one visitor.
  • Pumpkin Cream

    - another dish that received a perfect score from a customer.
  • - praised for its quality, but some customers found it small and lacking in flavor.
  • Homemade Desserts

    - frequently mentioned as a highlight of the meal. The cheese and mango cake is specifically recommended.
  • Roasts

    - described as great by one reviewer.
  • - one of the dishes served in abundant portions, and appreciated by customers.
  • - called wonderful by one visitor, but another found it disappointing.
  • - served fresh from the restaurant's own aquarium, this dish is part of the unique experience offered by the restaurant.