Viandes (Meat)
Lapin aux olives, tomates séchées et lardonsRabbit with olives, dried tomatoes and bacon bits\n
Petits farcis Niçois et salade de mesclunVegetables (peppers, onions, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini) stuffed with \nhomemade minced meet (pork, veal and beef)
Daube aux cèpes, et gnocchiStew of beef marinated with red wine, vegetables, and gnocchi\n
Pâtes sèches (Pasta)
Linguines aux pistou, pignons et copeaux de parmesanLinguines with fresh pesto sauce, pine nuts and Parmesan cheese\n
Linguines aux vongolesLinguini with clams
Pennes aux tomates, aubergines et mozzarellaPenne with tomato sauce, eggplants and mozzarella
Cartas de restaurantes cercanos
Poissons (Fish)
Moules marinièresMussels in white wine, French fries
Sardines grillées à la fleur de thymGrilled sardines with thyme
Filets de rouget à la tapenade, galettes de parmesanRed mullet fillets with tapenade and crispy parmesan cheese\n
Dessert du jour
Mousse au chocolat
Pâtes fraîches (Fresh Pasta)
Raviolis Niçois aux cèpes et pancetta croustillanteRavioli Niçois with ceps (mushrooms), cream sauce and crispy pancetta \n
Gnocchis à la sauge, parmigiano et tomates séchéesGnocchis in Parmesan cheese, sage and dried tomatoes
Raviolis ricotte au fromage de chèvreRavioli ricotta with goat cheese cream\n
Risotto aux artichauts violets et jambon cruRisotto with artichokes and cured ham
Risotto safrané aux st jacques et chips de chorizoSaffron risotto with saffron, scallops and chorizo chips
Tomate, mozzarella, pistou (pesto), origan (oregano), olives
NiçoiseTomate, mozzarella, thon (tuna), oignons, poivrons (peppers), \nanchois (anchovy), œuf (egg), origan (oregano), olives
Crème fraîche (fresh cream), mozzarella, saumon fumé (smoked \nsalmon), origan (oregano), olives