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Platos en Restaurante Embaixada de Minas

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is mixed. Some visitors find the prices high given the portion sizes and service speed. Others think the quality of the food justifies the cost.
  • Pork in a Can

    - this dish is well-seasoned and of good quality, serving two people well. It's well-prepared with good finishing and very tasty.
  • Sun-Dried Beef

    - another dish that serves two people, it's well-prepared and tasty.
  • Free-Range Chicken

    - a delicious dish, but may not be enough for two people. The version with saffron comes highly recommended.
  • Meat in the Can

    - this dish has a flavor that reminds diners of Minas Gerais.
  • Redneck Chicken

    - this dish is unbeatable, though it's worth noting that the portions may be smaller than expected.
  • - a wonderful dish praised for its taste.
  • Cassava Dumpling

    - a starter so good, you might want to order two portions.
  • Fish Surprise

    - a tilapia fillet with white rice and fries, more like stew. Some diners found it expensive for their choice.
  • Fashionable Sausage Starter Minas Gerais

    - a tasty starter, though some found it a bit greasy.
  • Brown Sugar Ice Cream with Blackberry Syrup

    - a perfect dessert, according to some reviews.
  • Ambrosia

    - a delightful dessert.
  • Orange Juice

    - a refreshing drink choice.

Platos y bebidas de Restaurante Embaixada de Minas