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Platos en Railway Inn Glenfield

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The restaurant offers a good price/quality ratio according to visitors. The food is consistently praised for being great value for money, with special mentions of the reasonably priced lunch menu, the small plates deal, and the large portion of dessert. The overall experience is further enhanced by friendly staff and a lovely atmosphere.
  • - highly recommended by a customer who usually does not prefer burgers, indicating their exceptional quality.
  • - described as tasty and good value.
  • Mixed Grill from Nathanial

    - praised for contributing to a five-star experience during a band night.
  • Small Plates Deal

    - 5 plates for £10.99, offering a variety of dishes that are both value for money and very tasty.
  • Large Portion of Dessert

    - at only £2.99, it's an irresistible treat after the main course.
  • Rare Steak

    - the restaurant is able to cook the steak exactly as requested, suggesting attention to detail and customer preferences.
  • All-Day Full Breakfast

    - a favorite among customers who enjoy Sunday lunch at the restaurant.

Platos y bebidas de Railway Inn Glenfield


pudin pudin de pan pudin de yorkshire tartas


filetes carne aves de corral cerdo pollo jamón salado parrillada puto rollos lawar pavo steak tartar costillas empanadas chuletón pescado y patatas fritas costillas de cerdo olla Mongola hamburguesas completas salchichas cordero frito pescado pasteles de pollo venado pollo con setas pasteles de venado kebabs pasteles de carne brochetas de pollo pastel del pastor ensaladas setas cordero sándwiches de pollo sándwiches popara lomo de cerdo jamón